Monday, June 1, 2015

The One Day That Wasn't

We've all heard of a Bucket List. A list of things you want to do before you die that usually includes seeing far off destinations or adrenaline rushes like skydiving. We have a list for our relationship. It's similar to a bucket list but without the morbid constant undertone of the race against death.

We have a "One Day" list. Its an idea that started when our relationship was very young and in all honesty we didn't know when or how we were ever going to be together. Long conversations, getting to know each other, finding similar interests and creating bonds. Through all that, we started to form short lists of little adventures we wanted to share with each other. Certainly not the grandiose exploits of a bucket lister, instead, we focused on obtainable moments that will mean more than accomplishments.

Friday morning we decided to chase down a One Day. There is a little shop in Marquette, Michigan that Erin had seen on a visit there for her cousin's wedding. It piqued her interest but time didn't allow her the opportunity to explore it then. So a store that exclusively sells bingo supplies was our destination.

The kids were going to be with their dad so it was a chance for us to get away for the weekend. The plan was simple but as with all last minute plans, the packing was feverish and over thought. No need for a hotel because there was plenty of room in the back of my Toyota Highlander for an air mattress. Well, yes and no.

Turns out the super deep queen size mattress I have fills up most of the room. We decided to give it a shot anyway. So got it deflated and we packed our supplies.

As soon as the kids were picked up in the afternoon we headed out. Marquette is in Michigan's upper peninsula and only about a three hour drive from our home in Oconto, Wisconsin. We decided on a scenic route along the Green Bay coast of Lake Michigan.

Biscuit settled in for a nap.
Our excitement burned up a lot of energy and by the time we hit Escanaba it was time for dinner. Wanting to stay away from chain restaurants for the trip we stopped by The Stonehouse.

It was a Friday evening and the parking lot was packed as expected. What wasn't expected was to walk into Escanaba's most ostentatious eatery. We were both seriously under-dressed for such a place, but this wasn't our town and we were hungry. We sat in the rather loud and over crowded bar area not wanting to wait for a dinning room table. Drinks ordered and served before we were handed menus and the prices were, again, above expectations but already being there and drinks in hand we were hopeful the prices matched the food quality. By this point stomachs were growling. As is turns out we already had the best part of our meal at the table. The drinks.

The food was as lacking as the service and overall a disappointing meal. But if we had gone to an Applebee's we wouldn't have a story. We were on an Adventure!

By the time we made it into the campgrounds in Marquette it was dark and the gatehouse was closed. The rain had lightened up but was still coming down enough to dissuade us from being outside the vehicle too much. We rearranged and made our bed in the back. Erin had some work to finish up on her computer so Biscuit and I hung out and listened to the rain. Bedtime came and with it the great air mattress experiment. By the time it was completely inflated we had only about two feet between the top of the mattress and the roof. And it was shifted to one side so we were sleeping on an angle. We were off to a bit of a rocky start but it was an Adventure!

The morning brought more hassle as we had to wait to pay for our campsite when the gatehouse opened. It did give us time to head out and find a nice little bagel shop to get breakfast though. Afterwards we headed back and got all squared away with the campground. The decision was made then:  The price of a cheap hotel was worth every extra dollar over the price of camping in the back of the Highlander again.

It was still very early, so instead of running off to the bingo shop right away we checked out Presque Isle Park.

Lake Superior coast.

Rocks of Presque Isle Park

Breakwater with lighthouse at the end.

We walked out most of the way there but flip flops and a small dog plus gusty winds and these rocks made us change our minds about venturing all the way to the lighthouse.

Windblown and in love.
Most of the park was closed unfortunately so we only really got to enjoy walking out on the breakwater. We had spotted a farmers market setting up when we were heading to breakfast so that was our next stop.

Its early in the growing season this far north but there was a surprising amount of produce available along with other goods and crafts. Some younger guys were playing around with jazz rifts, never really playing a song, while we perused.

Marquette has a nice little touristy downtown area we wanted to explore but we could wait no longer. It was time to see what we came for.

Higgins Bingo Supplies
SON OF A BITCH! The place was closed! All we could do was smash our face against the glass like a kid outside a candy shop and peer in at all the things we had absolutely no use for but surely would have bought anyway.

This One Day would have to wait for another day. The disappointment faded fast though. The real significance of our trip was to do something completely out of the way for no other reason than to be together. And we were having a pretty good day of it so far.

We spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon popping in and out of little shops. Looking at over priced knick knacks and trying on ridiculous hats.

We also stopped into Marquette Food Co-Op.

This was an experience and maybe worth the entire trip. If you could shove more pretentiousness and hipsters into one place you'd have to rename it Portland. Now anyone who knows me well would say I tote the line a little close to hipster sometimes but they patrons here were a whole different breed. The way the dressed and talked about yams, yes yams, and over-payed for food that looked like it was expiring that day...

The entire place is embodied in glorious flannel, skinny jeans, thick rimmed glasses, and boots. 
We enjoyed a much better dinner and drinks that night at 906 Sports Bar. They served vodka mules, which neither of us had ever had, in various variety.

Moscow Mule: Vodka, lime juice, ginger beer served in a copper mug.

After making more mules in our hotel room and getting a much more comfortable night's sleep, we packed up and headed for home. But our day wasn't over yet. Erin's step dad Steve sent us a craigslist link for a popup camper. We had been in the market for a little while but hadn't seriously looked. This one was in the price range we wanted and looked to be in good condition. The only problem is that it was another hour and a half south of where we live and we were still a couple of hours north of home. This was an Adventure! though and we couldn't let the opportunity slip by us.  

A quick pit stop at home to unload and we were back on the road. Luckily, Karen and Steve live right along the way to where the camper was located. Wanted to have them give it a look over as they are the experts. We had a late lunch with them at a Mexican restaurant then found our way to the camper. Everything checked out and we are now the proud owners of our first camper. 

Setup in the driveway at home.

Erin, Clayton, and Biscuit won't get out.
It's nothing glamorous but is just what we need to have more adventures like the one we had this weekend. And we started a great new tradition of finding a rock wherever we go, writing down the date and place, and bringing it home to put in this little corner of the yard.

The One Day that wasn't... turned out to be a very memorable few days instead. 


  1. I am soooo glad you guys let us share in your PopUp Purchase Adventure! The rest of your weekend sounded like so much fun!!!! Even if the store was closed, you really got a good taste of them Yoopers trying to "hip" LOL. Culture change from even the "Green Bay Crowd" eh?

    May wonderful adventures and interesting travels with the family be your goal from here on in! lol

  2. I'm SO enjoying this peek into your lives. Thanks!

  3. Love your writing style, Way. The view of the lake is gorgeous. It's unbelievable that's not an ocean. I hope you and Erin (and the kids and Biscuit) will have many more adventures together. One tip to make your lovely new tradition last longer, either get a cheap engraving tool to engrave those rocks or put a coating of clear varnish on top of the writing. I'm fear it might fade with the years otherwise.

  4. How funny... I grew up going to Presque Isle every summer, but my P.I. was on Lake Erie. I had no idea there was another! If you guys ever decide to One Day it on up to another great lake, I'll give you a tour. ;)
